Encore Career Facts

Nearly a third of Canadians return to work after retiring to “encore careers”. They decide to go back to work or take on part-time volunteer roles after retiring.

The reasons to get an encore career vary. Some want to make the most of their talents; some want social interaction; still, others seek to keep their minds sharp and their bodies busy. The extra money doesn’t hurt either, especially since there are several unknowns that can cloud your retirement picture (e.g., longevity, inflation and long-term care needs). Of the 30% of retirees that return to work, 48% of them did so for financial reasons. If they could go back in time, 29% of retirees in Canada say they would go back to their 20s and 30s and save more for retirement.

If you think about it, even a part-time encore career that brings in $10,000 a year can be a significant boon to your retirement coffers. Of course, it’s not unheard of to make more than that as a consultant, freelancer or contractor in a professional field. Using the often quoted 4% annual withdrawal rate, adding $10,000 in income is equivalent to a year’s withdrawal on a $250,000 nest egg.

This would means you may be able to:

Working in retirement isn’t for everyone, but if you’re considering it, here are some things to think about first.

Senior man working at laptop computer at his encore career

Reasons to “Unretire”

– Something Old. As mentioned earlier, some former retirees still have a lot of ideas to contribute in their field of choice. Many take on consultant roles or short-term contracting stints to share their ideas and experience while avoiding the 9-to-5 grind. Some employers have created encore career paths for retirees to retain and share that expertise with younger employees.

– Something New. Energetic retirees may want to try something new, or perhaps start a small business. In fact, almost a third of former retirees are now self-employed, spending about 21 hours a week nurturing their fledgling businesses.

– A source of strength. As Canadians are living longer, healthier lives, it may make sense to continue working while you’re in good health. Many people derive a sense of well-being from their work and enjoy the physical and intellectual stimulation that comes along with it. Using your brain while interacting with others can be extremely beneficial to your overall health and happiness. Research from the Stanford Center on Longevity shows that continuing to work can lead to better cognitive function.

– A Place, a Passion and a Purpose. Some seek to stave off boredom by having a reason to get out of the house on a regular basis. You may be passionate about lending your skills to a cause you care deeply about. A nonprofit is sure to want your expertise and an extra set of hands to help further its work.

– Coffer Filler. Planning for retirement means accounting for market gyrations and inflation, but of course, you can’t predict everything. To create some padding in your retirement coffers, you may want to consider going back to work. Doing so could allow your nest egg time to recover and, hopefully, compound over time. Even if you plan a careful and sustainable withdrawal strategy, you may still overspend if something unexpected comes your way. Extra income can help you stay on track. For a lot of people, working longer makes it possible to add to their savings and maintain their quality of life.

Financials to factor in

– Savings. In most cases, you should also be able to contribute to an employer-sponsored qualified retirement plan (subject to contribution limits) as long as you’re working.

– The Tax Man. It’s possible that working (even an extra year or two) might push you into a higher tax bracket, especially if you’re taking taxable distributions from your RSP that count as income on top of your salary. It’s important to know your tax bracket and just how close you are to the next highest threshold. Use our handy tax calculator to see the tax implications of more income.

Off to work you go?

Many Canadians rely on work to define their identity and their days, but just as many dream of an idyllic retirement with no time constraints. Both may be right for you at different stages of your post-career years. Just be sure to carefully review the reasons behind your decision and the possible impact on your financial plan.

Taken from Raymond James – Planning Perspectives


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